In the News:

Polyphenols May Slow Alzheimer's
Certain polyphenols, not vitamins, may slow dementia, USF scientists report.

New Hair Growth Therapy Released
Company announces hair growth formula based on apple procyanidin research.

Antioxidants May Lengthen Life
Researchers extend mouse life span by 20% with catalase.

Apple Extract Prevents Breast Cancer Tumors
The first known tests of apple extracts against breast cancer show tumor prevention as high as 44% in animals.

Apple Extract May Combat High Cholesterol
New research shows antioxidants found in apple extracts could potentially lower "LDL" cholesterol.

Apple Extract Cuts Fat, Increases Muscle Strength 
Life Extension Foundation reports: apple polyphenols increased muscle strength and reduced organ fat in animal study

New Study on Prostate Cancer 
NewsDay: Preliminary studies at the Mayo Clinic show apple chemical may treat or prevent prostate cancer and inflammation

Apple Chemicals Stronger than Vitamin C 
ABC News: Apple phytochemical prevents damage associated with Alzheimer's Disease

Apples Prevent Colon Cancer
WebMD reports on French study: "apple water" cuts precancerous lesions by 50%